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When someone passes away and all the ceremony’s are over, there is a void. This void includes a deserted house, full of personal possessions and memories of the deceased. Usually not all things are preserved and only the things with significant value are divided among family, friends and loved ones. After dividing and clearing all possessions the image of the deceased that is formed through the cohesion of all possessions is lost.
Everyone should have an equal memory instead of just a few objects. Something you can keep with you and cherish, something you could use daily. These ideas are brought together in a scarf with a photographic print where the personal possessions and hobby’s from the deceased play a role, they could be specific or small things that capture the nature of the deceased. For example a burned match found in the ash-tray could have a lot of meaning to the relatives. In the print of the scarf these elements are combined in a graphic way to form a new more complete memory to give to all family, friends and loved ones. Every scarf will be designed with care and will be different, like the people they are based on.