Staindress, a eco friendly fashion performance
All posts filed under “poetic designs”

Jewelry collection ‘ZaaiSieraad’
wild flowers will grow on the spot where these necklace are left.

‘Bosfeestje’, Performance
Biodegradable seed embedded paper party hats given to visitors to leave behind as gifts to the forest.

Scarf ‘Herinnersjaal, Rememberscarf’
A heartfelt and beautiful keepsake to wear everyday.

Jewelry collection ‘zee trofee’
Jewelry series based on the poetry behind the profession of deep sea diver.

Picnic rug ‘KiemKleed’
a eco friendly picnic blanket which gives back to nature.

Tea towel ‘Ranzig’
beautiful woven cloud like patterns showing the hidden patterns hands leave while drying dishes